The Eight Spandrels Around The Lower Base Of The Dome

Each of these spandrels portrays a scene from the life of Christ and the pro[het who indicated that particular moment. These are by the renowned artist Giuseppe Calì (1846-1930) who painted them directly on the stone wall between 1900 and 1903. Anti-clockwise from the left of the main altar, the scenes are as follows: the birth of Christ and the prophet Isaiah; the visit of the three Magi and the prophet David; the child Christ discussing with the elders and rabbis in the temple and the prophet Joel; Jesus preaching to the apostles and the prophet Jeremiah; a penitent Mary Magdalene at Christ’s feet and King Solomon; Christ resurrecting the son of the widow of Nain and the prophet Ezekiel; Christ’s entrance into Jerusalem astride a donkey, being welcomed with palm and olive branches and the prophet Zechariah; the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the prophet Zephaniah.